Jenny's Blog 4 Steps to Rank Your Self-Published Book On Amazon

4 Steps to Rank Your Self-Published Book On Amazon


Digital Illustration by Jenny Hansen Lane

These four steps took me a while to figure out. Isn’t that how mastery goes? You try and fail and learn so much, you are addicted to trying it again and again until you figure it out. It’s all about iterations.

Step 01: Understand What The Customer Wants- Every day, hundreds of thousands of Amazon Customers search for products online. Every word they type in is collected and indexed. These phrases become keywords. Savvy entrepreneurs have created software to find these keywords by their search volume. 

Step 02: Create a book with these customers and keywords in mind- This is where it can get tricky because most people create a book without the end customer in mind. But if you can craft something already validated, you will have a higher success rate of ranking your book, which leads to more sales. 

Step 03: Listing & Publishing Your Book With Optimization- Let’s actually speak to our customers and what their life is like without your book in their life. If you can paint the picture with words (which I am preaching to the choir here) your conversions are higher. This includes using highly searched keywords in your book listing. 

Step 04: Accelerate Sales with Amazon Ads- We already know the power of an audience-based algorithm. When you turn on ads, you are pouring gasoline on highly searched keywords.

My income report portal screenshot, Jenny Hansen Lane

Yes, I have created over 442 books. It’s always exhilarating to match a passion to a monetized skill set. This income stream I started building on January 1st, My first book went live by January 4th, 2022. My first sale January 21st, 2022. 

To learn more about this passive income stream, join our community for tutorials.


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