Jenny's Blog Managing Amazon Ads (My Newest Strategy)

Managing Amazon Ads (My Newest Strategy)


I'm thrilled to share my latest game-changing strategy for managing Amazon ads. As someone who's been building a passive income on Amazon KDP for the past 16 months, I've learned a thing or two about the power of effective advertising.

In my newest video, I delved into the details of my innovative approach – the "Double Lottery" strategy. But before diving into that, I stress the importance of validating your niche, ensuring it has ample searches and low competition. It's the foundation for success in the world of Amazon ads.

So, what's the Double Lottery, you ask? It's a personalized twist on Lottery ads, a method that involves placing a collection of books in a sponsored product standard ad automatic campaign. The goal? Letting Amazon showcase your books to a diverse audience, often resulting in a lower ad cost and a higher return on investment.

My journey involves replacing 150 blocked books on Amazon KDP, and I'm aiming to achieve this by the end of the year. The timing is crucial as we approach Q4 – the holiday season. I share my experience of making $7,000 and $11,000 in my first two Q4 months, emphasizing the need for early preparation to capitalize on the festive shopping spree.

In the video, I walk you through my meticulous approach to the Double Lottery strategy. I'm starting with nine new books in my niche, initiating a standard ad (not custom, for a change) with a manual campaign. The secret sauce? Using data from top-selling books in the niche to target my ads strategically.

For those of you new to the advertising game, Amazon ads are a fantastic playground to test your strategies, especially when you've built some momentum and are ready to scale your profits.

Excited to see the results? Me too! I'll be providing updates on the Double Lottery strategy in future videos, so stay tuned. And if you're curious about the legal side of things, I've joined my attorney's coaching program – maybe that's a topic for a future video!

If you're looking to stay ahead in the Amazon KDP game and scale your profits effectively, this Double Lottery strategy might just be the game-changer you've been waiting for. Feel free to drop your questions in the comments, and let's embark on this journey together!


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